监管科学 | 美欧药品监管科学战略要义
Regulatory science is the science of developing new tools, standards and approaches to assess the safety, efficacy, quality and performance of FDA-regulated products.
There is no single discovery — no magic bullet — to address our unique set of modern scientific regulatory challenges. But one thing is clear: if we are to solve the most pressing public health problems we face today, we need new approaches, new collaborations and new ways to take advantage of 21st century technologies. And we need them now.
Advances in regulatory science will help make the evaluation and approval process more efficient, helping to deliver safe new products to patients faster and strengthening the ability to monitor product use and improve performance, thus enhancing patient outcomes.
Without advances in regulatory science, promising medical therapies may be discarded during the developmental process simply because we lack the tools to recognize their potential, or outdated evaluation methods may unnecessarily delay their approval. Conversely, countless dollars and years may be wasted assessing a novel therapy that is later shown to be unsafe or ineffective.
Advances in regulatory science will not only ensure better quality, but could also lower development and manufac turing costs.
FDA must make decisions based on the best available scientific data and using the best tools and methods available in order to ensure products meet the highest quality standards for consumers, while at the same time fostering and advancing innovation in the products it regulates.
In the last few years, rapid advances in innovative science have provided new technologies to discover, manufacture and assess novel medical products, and to improve food safety and quality; FDA must both keep pace with and utilize these new scientific advances in order to accomplish its mission to protect and promote the health of our nation.
FDA scientists must work in an environment that fosters creative thinking, promotes scientific multidisciplinary interaction and collaboration, offers opportunities for learning, ensures both scientific excellence and integrity, and provides access to state-of-the-art laboratory and computer technologies.
The FDA Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science identifies critical priority areas and activities where new or enhanced engagement in regulatory science research is essential to continued mission success.
Successful implementation of this regulatory science plan, including engagement with diverse stakeholders, will allow the Agency to fulfill its regulatory mission today while also being prepared for the new challenges of tomorrow.
The role of regulatory science with respect to medical products is to develop the knowledge, methods, standards, and tools needed to increase the certainty and consistency of regulatory decisions and improve the translation of basic discoveries to viable medical products.
FDA advances the public health by applying scientific standards to assess the safety, efficacy, and quality of medical products throughout the product lifecycle.
FDA will advance regulatory science to speed innovation, improve regulatory decision-making, and get products to people in need. 21st Century regulatory science will be a driving force as FDA works with diverse partners to protect and promote the health of our nation and the global community.
Regulatory science is defined as the range of scientific disciplines that are applied to the quality, safety and efficacy assessment of medicinal products and that inform regulatory decision-making throughout the lifecycle of a medicine. It encompasses basic and applied biomedical and social sciences and contributes to the development of regulatory standards and tools.
The pace of innovation has accelerated dramatically in recent years and regulators need to be ready to support the development of increasingly complex medicines that more and more deliver healthcare solutions by converging different technologies to promote and protect human and animal health.
To underpin its mission of protecting human health, EMA must catalyse and enable regulatory science and innovation to be translated into patient access to medicines in evolving healthcare systems.
International cooperation in dealing with the common challenges posed by innovation helps solve these complexities through joint problem solving, resource pooling, capacity building and the convergence of regulatory tools and standards.
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